There must be a reason to kill her, right? It’s still so expensive to kill her. Lan Jingyi doesn’t understand how to think about it.

I haven’t found out yet, but he suddenly invested in the city and made people wonder about Chiang’s. I just made people investigate him and found something suspicious, that is, the city where those killers who want to kill you have spoken, Yuzhe Capital.
With this, you think he is the one who ordered the killer to kill me?
Well, I’ll find out the truth one day.
Section 295
It turned out that he was her again.
Hands more tightly around his body tilt … It is said that pregnant women tend to be sentimental, and now Lan Jingyi is sentimental.
Huh? He gently raised his eyebrows and blazing with anger fell on her little face.
You scared me, she said leisurely, pouting.
I’m afraid I can’t hide it from Yu Zhe so that you can play it realistically. Well, my wife played well. I have a reward tonight. He bowed her forehead and printed a thin lip, and began to meander, and his magnetic voice beat her heart rhythmically. She heard her heartbeat.
It felt like a dream, and she really came back to her alive
A gentle kiss on her cheek made her eyes swell and she looked at him and didn’t want to look away.
It was a long time before he slowly looked up and smiled gently. Isn’t it beautiful?
What’s narcissism? If it’s not goodlooking, you won’t stare at my face in a daze. Tell me if you stare at it like this.
You’re an anthomaniac. He sighed with a small fist on his chest. It’s best to massage a woman without money.
You just massaged the woman. She pulled back her finger tip but fell on his side and was bitten by her. At this moment, the tooth marks were clear and arguable, so I couldn’t help but feel distressed. Leave some marks for you to see if you dare to lie to me again?
I dare not, but the tooth marks are very good. Someone always watches me make a fool of myself. But I have to think about how to explain to others after going out these three days. I can’t say that you are a dog woman, can you?
Do you really want to stay here for three days? Lan Jingyi does not believe me. Looking up, he asked him if there was something in his eyes. He always lost it. He knew that although she didn’t lose it this time, she had deeply realized the pain of losing it in those days, which made people feel worse than death.
Think about Jiang Junliang, maybe this is his best ending. If you let him go, Jiang Junyue is sorry for Grandpa and An Zehuan. If you send him in, Jiang Junyue is right. Jiang Hanyu replaced Jiang Junyue, which is a complete sentence.
You don’t want to? That ye left, said Jiang Junyue, really straightening up, and then putting her in the Tang Chi, she was dripping all over herself. I never paid attention to her drooling and looked at him with small eyes. He walked to a small table in the bedroom and sat down to open his brain. Well, I’ll check the information and leave.
Hey you … Lan Jingyi stared at Jiang Junyue’s back and gnashed her teeth. This person is too bad.
At the moment when he got up and left, she felt a strong sense of loss around her, and she was scared, afraid of losing his feelings again.
I can’t bear to leave? Jiang Junyue stopped the mouse and turned to look at her smiling eyes, which made her hate it is good for you to leave
But I don’t want to leave now. What do you say?
I told my bodyguard to get rid of you. She reached for it and suddenly thought that just before he went out to Tang Chi, he rang. Did he have a message?
Well, you can scream.
As a result, no matter how hard Lan Jingyi tried, if she couldn’t get out, she wouldn’t have to ring the bell, not if she had pressed it before, and not now. What have you done to me?
After adding a small piece, no one can locate your position except Ye, and it will also fix another person, he said, looking back at the brain screen.
You found me body double? Otherwise, why would she locate someone else?
Sort of.
You haven’t told me what happened at the scene of the explosion? What, you suddenly lost the signal, and how did you become Jiang Junliang on the spot? She hasn’t finished asking these questions from her heart. I don’t know, but I feel very bad. It’s like someone tickles her and wants to cry and laugh, but 养生会所 it’s more sad.
I’ll talk about that later. Come here and I’ll show you a set of photos. Maybe he found something in his head. He turned his head and hooked his fingers at her and gently coaxed her.
No way. Why did he let her go? She went there. She was pregnant and her boss. She turned her head to look at the perfume water floating in the Tang Chi and didn’t look at him.
Spice is dried roses, although not as beautiful as fresh ones, but they look good after being moistened by water. Hold them in one hand and play with them, regardless of what photos he has there. It should be her.
She just thought that he didn’t answer her questions just now, and his mind didn’t know which country he had drifted to.
Suddenly, the masculine breath approached his ear again, and his evil voice said, Wait for me to carry you out?
No She suddenly refused to admit that he suddenly left Tang Chi during the death. She was really frustrated. I didn’t know when she had started to miss his arms. I always wanted to rely on his arms and didn’t want to feel his breath.
The water splashed a little, and Jiang Junyue came back to the pool and held it in front of her. Let’s see if this person looks familiar?
who? She looked up and was taken aback.
Chapter 43 Old photos
No She suddenly refused to admit that he suddenly left Tang Chi during the death. She was really frustrated. I didn’t know when she had started to miss his arms. I always wanted to rely on his arms and didn’t want to feel his breath.
The water splashed a little, and Jiang Junyue came back to the pool and held it in front of her. Let’s see if this person looks familiar?
who? She looked up at the past and was taken aback.
She is like a blue sky, but she has a fourphase image.
She was nothing like Mu Jinshan. Later, she learned that Mu Jinshan was not her real father.
However, the man in the photo in front of me has a sevenphase image.
Very similar
That’s a gentlelooking man. Look at this photo, it should be years old. The man is very young, and a black suit sets off his heroic spirit. It’s tall and beautiful.

Roma fans are struggling now.

Franco Sensi died and they were very sad. No matter how controversial Sensi was, at least his love for Rome was beyond doubt.
Moreover, Rome’s last league title was won by him, and it was from him that Rome gradually worked hard towards the goal of being a giant.
Although he insisted, he also gave Rome some pain.
For example, the biggest pain is always winning.
He resolutely abandoned Changsheng, which led to Changsheng’s crazy revenge.
Over the years, some Roman fans have privately complained about him.
But now that he’s dead, it’s all gone
People die.
At this moment, Roman fans are in mourning.
But many of them have to admit that there is some truth in what the media say.
When Sensi died, his hatred for Rome was lost, and he had no reason to continue to take revenge.
The match between Rome and Lazio can finally be normalized.
Maybe Rome will have a chance to beat Lazio …
Before the game, Franco Sensi, the president of Rome Club, who had just died, observed a minute’s silence.
Television cameras have been aimed at Chang Sheng, and they really want to see Chang Sheng’s attitude towards the death of the person he hates.
Is it schadenfreude or deep sorrow? Will he feel a little regret and guilt about his hatred with Rome?
But they were disappointed.
You can’t tell whether he is sad or gloating by looking at the expression on Chang Sheng’s face in the closeup.
At the press conference before the game, a reporter tried to ask him what he thought of Sensi’s death, and he refused to answer because of the game.
Since Franco Sensi’s death on 17th, he has never published a comment on Senxi.
As if this man had never appeared in his life.
This game has attracted much attention because it is the first official appearance of the evervictorious new Lazio.
Everyone wants to see if the team reborn from the ruins can guarantee the past level or will start to skate slowly.
Lazio answered their questions with a goal in the opening 13 minutes.
modric! ! !” The commentator shouted.
More than half of the people in the stands of the Olympic Stadium jumped up from their seats and shouted!
Beautiful long range! World wave! !”
modric’s long shot accurately pierced the Roman goal! They are ahead of Rome again in the game! What can I say?
After the goal, modric Stadium roared upwards.
In the most difficult time, it was said that he was going to transfer 约茶资源 and leave. When rumors kept circulating, he chose to stay because he believed in his boss. This is a miracle coach. He is not satisfied with winning a Champions League. He wants to be the greatest player in Croatian history.
He believes that the boss can realize his ambition.
Now he wants to show those who laugh at Lazio a good look.
Lazio will not die!
Will not sink!
As the boss said, there are still many peaks ahead for us to sign. How can we stop?
Chapter 23: Take a drastic measure?
Modric’s goal at Lazio opened the door to victory.
His world wave not only boosted Lazio’s morale, but also frustrated those players who fantasized about Rome. All their dreams were shattered by this world wave.
Even though Lazio have gone through the disintegration this summer and lost nine important players, now they can still beat themselves …
This reality is very depressing.
In the following games, the Roman players seemed to have no fighting spirit.
It is understandable to think that no matter how hard they try, Lazio have no motivation and fighting spirit …
Then the game entered the Lazio rhythm
The final result is not unexpected.
Lazio led by two goals in the 65th minute.
Changsheng began to change people. He changed three starters and three substitutes.
Let more people feel the atmosphere of the game, find the state of the game and get ready for the new season league.

The key battlefield is Dalong.

Shy saw the position of the hammer stone because the hammer stone hook extended out, so he made a symbolic shot.
Shy has been playing this game for so long that she is not confident in her Jess shell. What if she hits it? Most banshees in the other few people are sure to fight like never.
At this time, Dade may feel that he can’t mix with the little fisherman like this. He plans to broaden his horizons and see the position of the China team to see if there is any chance.
Before the red light comes on, after the Jess shell arrives.
Jess is used to missing the China team and relying on the banshee effect.
However, this is not optimistic. When a shot hits the hero of China, it suddenly bursts and causes a lot of damage.
The emperor didn’t lose much blood. He was also a banshee. Both the hammer stone and Riven lost no less than the policewoman. Some banshees also lost two-fifths of their blood by this bombardment
Not as good as the earliest equipment suppression, but this damage also made Burning Night get a fright.
He was not full of blood before being blown up by such a bomb, and there was less than half of his blood left. If he really met the other hero, it would be possible to be killed by seconds.
Isn’t there a banshee?
Four people at the same time one leng not only their land exhibition is alpha males.
Is there a bug? Are you kidding? This is the top competition. How can there be such a naive bug on the scene?
That’s … The banshee failed?
The players don’t know what’s going on.
I remember it was the card that broke the banshee …
The first thing to react is that Mo Li has the most professional experience in the team.
The card trick broke the banshee. When he said this, Lu Zhan immediately became white.
The card trick is equivalent to giving a buff to the players, and it is extremely unfavorable. buff Banshee judges this trick as skill damage and automatically protects the Lord, so the Banshee effect is broken.
In exchange, the card can’t see the position of the banshee, but not everyone here in China is a good queen.
In the end, it turned out that the card trick saw the China team and everyone broke their banshee
Many people in the passers-by bureau know this truth, but there are almost no bureaus where everyone has a banshee like today.
Dade didn’t specialize in studying the big move to break the banshee. I didn’t expect the card to break the biggest reliance of China players by mistake.
This …
I figured out that there are some words in this 品茶 festival.
The language-returning competition always goes on.
Lu Zhan’s banshee was also broken, but he had to get to the battlefield at the first time, and it was near Dalong. He didn’t need to intercept the cards, but he needed to go there as soon as possible.
Don’t let the other side notice …
The China players prayed, but they all knew it was unrealistic. Although the emperor walked out at the first time, the other party must have seen their state at the moment. The policewoman state is really bad. It is too easy to be killed. No one will let him go.
The lion and dog finally jumped out when the group retreated.
Then rats, time, and Jess Korean players appeared one by one, and team battles began again and again with the mistake of playing cards.
Fire mouse!
Lu Zhan said that because everyone was dissatisfied with the blood volume, the mouse threat rose again.
However, the policewoman died before he spoke.
The lion, dog and Jess both flashed over and attacked the policewoman desperately. Even if he had superhuman powers, the policewoman couldn’t run out. He didn’t do much output, which meant that the green dot was still bright.
At this moment, China players are all cold in their hearts, while South Korean players are excited.
Several people joined forces to rush forward and stormed around the China team. Even the little fisherman was not afraid to come.
A few seconds after time hung the resurrection on Jess, Jess got up and continued to fight. The South Korean team has been in a state of playing more and playing less.
At the most critical time, the little fisherman made a big move. After the break, he made a big move and went straight to the other camp and went to all the remote stations in Dazhong.
Rats, time and cards were hit by big moves.


Then I bet 1 million Thai boxers.
In addition to Li Ling and a seemingly seventeenyearold boy, all the people paid attention to it, and they couldn’t help investing in two people.
That young man is the second young master of Yunmo Group, and Yunmiaoxian is the youngest one to get together tonight.
I don’t have any money, said Yun Mixian. My dad gives me 10 thousand dollars every month, and there is no money.
Ha ha cloud less modest or I lend you some Wu Caifei chuckled lightly say with smile.
Come on, if my dad knows that gambling will kill me, Yun Mixian hurriedly shook his head.
Li Shaoshao, are you pressing? Beifeng looked at Li Ling’s boxing match defiantly, but Ethan’s industry had a way to hit him regardless of whether Li Ling pressed Beifeng or not.
It’s boring to press money, Li Ling said with a chuckle. I’ll come back after you play this game first.
All some curiously looked at a face of mysterious smile Li Ling don’t understand what he meant.
Chapter 6 Fierce Chazha
Thank you for releasing the burial reward. 5 He updated this chapter.
The reason why Li Ling didn’t pay attention was simple. He planned to play a new game by himself.
It’s not that he wants to play, but that he is forced by the super dude system.
Congratulations to the host for getting a mandatory shock. Ethan rewarded Ethan with 300 wan ku points by knocking on the host’s side in the ground boxing match. After deducting 600 wan ku points, he lost his status as Li’s grandson.
On hearing the sound in my head, Li Ling almost jumped up. This super dude system was actually promulgated at this time and it was still mandatory.
Even more, Li Ling didn’t expect that it was the superdude system that promulgated the beauty.
Spirit, what the hell is going on? Li Ling shouted angrily in his heart.
I don’t know, master, said Bai Linggu. I’m just a super dude. Many arrangements don’t need my consent.
But didn’t the superdude system promulgate the beauty?
Who told you?
Since Li Ling got the super dude, all the beauties have it, which made him go into a misunderstanding.
What now? Li Ling knew that he was in good health now, but he was definitely not as good as those vicious boxers.
I don’t know, said Bai Ling without due diligence. Master, your physical fitness is already very strong now. Be careful when you practice crosscountry skills. Those boxers should not kill you.
That means I’ll get hurt.
I may be disabled.
Holy shit
Li Ling anxiously stared at the edge and said, Spirit helped me transform their combat data.
Chaza, who is short and short, is wearing a pair of black boxers, his hands are bandaged, and his muscles are like steel casting. His eyes are like wolves staring at the burly black James.
James was tall, at least 1.9 meters tall, and the audience couldn’t help screaming at the wrong time.
A piece of red brocade was thrown into the ring from the sidelines.
Before the red brocade handkerchief landed, James growled and rushed to Chaza like a rhinoceros.
Chazha put his hands across his face and his eyes sparkled with cold light.
One punch sends out a horrible punch, and the wind rings like a muffled thunder. This punch has at least four or five hundred pounds of strength.
Chaza bent his knees like an ape, and suddenly pressed his hands to the ground, and the whole person whirled around to this James.
Haha, this Thai guy is fragile. James can knock him down 夜网论坛 with one punch. Looking at Chaza being pushed back from the box by James, Beifeng couldn’t help laughing.

This confrontation lasted for a second or so, and Lang Tianxing and Jiao Yi shot almost at the same time.

Lang Tianxing’s eyes are cold and fierce, such as staring at his prey. The evil wolf is a vicious wolf with sharp teeth and jaws turned into his hands. His hands are clawshaped, and the distance between his palms is just enough to accommodate his head.
If a person’s head wants to enter Langtianxing, his hands will be worn out of ten blood holes in an absolute instant.
Suddenly, Lang Tianxing’s hands seemed to leave him and fly out of the horrible speed mask to Jiao Yi’s head.
But the strength is higher, everyone can see clearly that Lang Tianxing’s hands are still flying out of his body, which is really a horrible strength condensed by Lang Tianxing.
Wolf demon killing
Knowing that Jiao Yi has the ability to go beyond the battle and Jiao Yi is determined to fight with himself, your son is wary of Sirius’ stunt when he comes.
Of course, Lang Tianxing still didn’t meet follow focus Wing for the first time, which made him finally kill the Wolf Emperor and cut it. It was better to test Jiao Yixin first.
Lang Tianxing, Wolf, Magic Kill, and a dazzling golden light split out of Jiao Yi Xuanyuan Sword at the moment.
If Lang Tianxing returned the temptation, he was anxious, but he kept his strength.
Although the strength reached the peak of the third cycle as expected, there is still a big gap compared with the peak of the fourth cycle, Lang Tianxing.
Moreover, Jiao Yi’s confrontation with Lang Tianxing is not a contest, but a fight between life and death. There is no need to test it.
Jiao Yi’s sword mobilized all the resources he could, cooperated with the gods in the middle of Xuanyuan Sword, and delivered the strongest blow.
The golden sword light touches the wolf’s magic to kill the hair. The wolf’s magic to kill the strength is split into pieces.
After being killed by the chopped wolf demon, the focal wing is not a threat, but the sword light emitted by the focal wing Xuanyuan sword is weakened after being blocked by the wolf demon demon’s killing strength, but it is still splitting towards Langtianxing at an incredible speed.
Boss, be careful, Lang Jin exclaimed.
The truth is that Lang Jin and his men have noticed that something is wrong without Lang Tianxing, but it is already late.
After the wolf demon kill is sent out, Lang Tianxing needs to continue to urge the source force to control the wolf demon kill strength. Although Lang Tianxing didn’t make a move, he cast the wolf emperor to cut it, but he also killed Jiao Yixin with this recruit.
Jiao Yi sends out sword light quickly, which means that Lang Tianxing is prepared first and may not be able to hide in the past. When the sword light comes, he also tries to get angry with the chopped wolf demon.
The sword light flashed in front of his eyes. Lang Tianxing was able to lean sideways, but he still failed to completely avoid the golden sword light from his right shoulder rib.
Lang Tianxing saw his right arm fall off his body before he felt the pain.
Then came a great pain.
After a move, there was a short silence on both sides of the war, and all the people in the field were surprised by the result of this move, and their eyes popped out.
Former Jiao Yi refused three top bosses to help Shuangdian, and everyone thought Jiao Yi was crazy. Now they know how selfrighteous they are.
Just one move, Lang Tianxing’s skill of killing wolves was unscathed.
Lang Tianxing was beheaded and his arm was badly hurt.
Lang Tianxing is the peak boss in the middle of the fourth cycle. Jiao Yi, how did he do it?
Although Jiao Yi once had the feat of slaying Lang Xiaofeng in the second reincarnation, it is not the same concept that the second and the third, the third and the fourth are finished.
A heat flow in Qiu Hongxuan’s crotch can’t be controlled. He used to be Jiao Yi. This kind of garbage can be destroyed casually, but even Lang Tianxing, a fourth reincarnation boss, lost his arm with one move. If the former Jiao Yi really shot him, he would have left no residue.
The people in Beishan Temple are excited, especially Qiu Xinglan and his wife.
When Qian Dengfeng looked at Qiu Yangan respectfully, they realized that Jiao Yi was definitely not simple.
But in theory, no one expected Qiu Jiaoran to bring back this man to such an extent.
Originally worried about Dushan, seeing Jiao Yi hit Lang Tianxing with a move, and his mood was somewhat complicated.
He asked himself that he could easily defeat Lang Tianxing, but it was not as difficult as usual to abolish Lang Tianxing’s arm with just one move like Jiao Yi.
When he asked Tiancheng, he also thought of destroying Jiao Yi after the auction.
If it weren’t for Xuan Yanling’s long Dan, maybe he would have done it.
As you can imagine, Fog Fairy will never allow him to focus on the wing. Once you give it enough, I’m afraid he will be destroyed by the wing.
Hua Mantian and Lao Fengyuan glances both saw horror in each other’s eyes.
Two months ago, Jiao Yi went above and killed Lang Xiaofeng. They were skeptical, but now Jiao Yi went above and cut off Lang Tianxing’s arm, but they saw it with their own eyes.
Jiao Yi’s growth rate will not be long before even they are no match for Jiao Yi.
And the parties are not satisfied that a sword can only remove Lang Tianxing’s arm.
Jiao Yi is expected to break through to Lang Tianxing in the late stage of the third cycle, and he has a great chance of winning. He will break through to the peak of Xuanyuan swordsman in the late stage of the third cycle, but Lang Tianxing did not exert his strongest killing tactics. The situation should be that Lang Tianxing’s life can be taken with a sword.
However, Lang Tianxing is still alive.
If Lang Tianxing did what he did from the beginning, he might not be as relaxed as he is now, and he might not be much better than Lang Tianxing.
This should never be your peak power.
Jiao Yi also quickly found out the reason:
Chapter 146 Split in two!
There is a yuan domain furnace and there is too little back to the source Dan. In the past two months, the strength of Jiao Yi has risen rapidly, which he never thought before.
However, the strength of reincarnation has gone up, but the number of gods in Xuanyuan sword has not increased with it.
Jiao Yi’s confidence in going beyond the enemy is mainly due to the terrorist bonus of the gods’ power in Xuanyuan Sword to the power of the source power.
At present, the quantity of source power has risen sharply, but the quantity of gods’ power has not changed. The power of source power has been added, but it has not reached Jiao Yi’s expectation.
This is a hidden danger, or rather a wakeup call for Jiao Yi, who can’t rely too much on the power of the gods in Xuanyuan Sword.
Afterwards, let’s talk about it later. The situation is that Lang Tianxing and the four of them can’t let go of any of them.
I failed to kill Lang Tianxing with a sword, but I broke Lang 品茶 Tianxing’s arm. Lang Tianxing’s strength is less than half. It is not difficult for Jiao Yi to kill him.
Jiao Yi is another sword swing.
The blade gave off a dazzling light and struck Lang Tianxing like a flash.
Lang Tianxing is suffering from the great pain of broken arm. Seeing Jiao Yi attacking, he has to grit his teeth and face the only left hand to display Sirius’s strongest killing skill.
Wolf emperor beheaded
The wolf emperor’s slashing is more fierce than the wolf’s magic killing. Unfortunately, now Lang Tianxing has lost one arm to display, and the wolf emperor’s slashing lethality is not half of his peak.
The golden sword light will chop the wolf emperor’s strength like tofu, and the potential will continue to split headon toward Lang Tianxing.

Looking at Wang Yu from another angle, it is relieved that the club’s income depends on the fan economy. The sudden departure of hb team star players and captains will inevitably take away a large number of fans, and the club has carefully sang such a bitter plan, which not only won more people’s sympathy for the future losses, but also turned them into unexpected gains.

At least now there are more fans supporting hb team than before.
In fact, Wang Yu has been resting in the net for a dozen trumpets these days, rarely going out and walking around, and even fewer acquaintances in the competition circle. The only exception is that he has joined the ga platform to officially explain Ji Yan.
This time, Rui Chen’s account id is Jane Eyre. Wang Yu accidentally met several times in a single row. Except for one 桑拿网 time, he was lucky to be a teammate, and other bureaus were opponents. This Jane Eyre made him suffer a lot.
Today, after coming to Ji Yan, Wang Yucai knew that Jane Eyre, who rose in the ranking of China these days, was actually Rui Chen.
So Wang Yu couldn’t help but change his original intention of asking Ji Yan to go out for dinner. He directly lined up his brain in Ji Yan’s workshop. He was lucky and met Jane Eyre at first, and he was a teammate.
Then do you think Rui Chen can reach the top of the country? Ji Yan asked
It’s a little difficult but not impossible, Wang Yu said bluntly.
Recently, due to the s3 finals, two China teams have successfully advanced to the top four, and they are fighting in the semifinals. This time, the first competition in the country has reduced a lot of pressure. However, other professional players who have not successfully entered the Sseries World Series do not mean that their strength is not strong enough. Wang Yucai said that it is a bit difficult.
However, it is not impossible for Wang Yu to have a better understanding of Rui Chen’s strength after witnessing the mysterious passerby Chong Wang’s subprocess these days. If luck is good enough, it is not impossible for Rui Chen to reach the top of the country.
Although winning the top spot is the most important thing, luck is also an indispensable part. After all, if you meet an actor unfortunately, even if you have the strength to stand out from the crowd, you can sigh at the top of the country.
Look at the opponents in this game first, Wang Yu said.
Li Jiamei knew for a long time that Rui Chen was broadcasting live events in hb University these days. Every night, she would come to watch the game on time and silently support Rui Chen.
Because it is a highend ranking in China, many singlerow professional players and people’s gods have been broadcast live, and their identities have been recognized when Chen Ruigang entered.
Wow, this game is interesting! There are actually three firstteam professional players on the opposite side, namely hb Team Shan Bisheng, Zhongdan Tianhua and fmp Team Shan Caomo. Except for a passerby with high scores, the last one is now the foreign passerby king in North America and the world’s first Ravenwater. At this time, I was watching the live broadcast of a member of a competition club of hb University and exclaimed.
Rui Chen saw each other’s id clearly when he asked about the location on the third floor and the first floor, and he also knew the identity of five people in Rui Chen. One of them was to remove the id prefix hb and Wang Yu, and the other three were famous highscoring passersby players in the first district.
In a ranking, I met three famous professional players in the firstteam teams of two countries, and at this time, Walter was in the middle of the country, which was somewhat eclipsed by another famous passerby player.
Compared with the Rui Chen side, the Rui Chen side is obviously inferior. Many Cao Mo and Wang Yu have similar positions in the minds of Chinese players. Although they are not playing the same position, the actual strength gap between them is not big.
What’s more, there are Bi Sheng and Tianhua, two former teammates of Wang Yu. Nowadays, the firstline professional players in China are very familiar with Wang Yu’s exercise habits and being good at heroes. It can be said that they know more about Wang Yu.
Xiao Fei puckered his eyebrows. Judging from the identities of both players and the comprehensive strength revealed on the surface, three firstline professional team players plus a passerby player and Raven, who is known as the first player in North America, said that Walter played against a professional player, Wang Yu, and Rui Chen scored high among four passerby players.
However, Xiao Fei didn’t see a trace of tension in Rui Chen’s face, but he was full of excitement, and his eyes showed a fierce fighting spirit. It seemed that he was looking forward to the match in the docking.
Single on the third floor!
This is Rui Chen’s important position a moment ago, and the other four teammates have no objection. However, Wang Yu unexpectedly chose the auxiliary position instead of being the best at playing the outfield.
People on the fifth floor have never been left with auxiliary life, but the highscoring players in Wang Yu id country who don’t know that Wang Yu will say that he wants to fight wild, including Rui Chen, and the other four people will definitely not object.
The actual result is that Wang Yugang finished the auxiliary Rui Chen on the fifth floor and then said that he wanted to be single
poof! Wang Yugang took Ji Yan’s coffee and saw Rui Chen say that he almost sprayed the coffee in his mouth on the screen. I still want to see him playing wild? Wang Yu quickly wiped his mouth. He didn’t grab the position because he wanted to give the wild position to Rui Chen. When Rui Chen was in the middle of this period, most of his choices were playing in the wild and playing alone rarely.
A large part of them are blind lion dogs and the three heroes of the emperor.
Jiyan holding coffee for himself said, Maybe his head is hot and he wants to play a handful of singles! By the way, how about your assistance? Don’t pit Rui Chen.
Wang Yu looked embarrassed and explained, Don’t take care of me as a professional player if I say it will hold Rui Chen back, okay? Although I am a wild player, it’s not that I can’t play other positions. I’m also very slippery when I assist! Don’t forget that I was the original team assistant before I entered the hb team.
Well, then let me see how the country’s first wild auxiliary play is. Jiyan nodded with great seriousness.
On the first floor of Rui Chen’s side, the water hero Raven was quickly removed. During this period, Walter Raven exploded several professional players and set off a hot wave of national singles Raven, among which the speed of light qa caused many explanations to imitate first.
The second one was the most popular crocodile, and the third one was left to Jiela.
On the first floor of the other party is Walter. When Walter saw that Raven had been removed, his face was white and not like a man’s. A smile appeared on his face. He licked it as if he had wiped his lips with lipstick and let out a light hum in his nose.
During this period, when most of the eyes were focused on the s3 World Finals, Walter’s sudden rise in China subverted many people’s understanding of Raven as a hero, and the powerful explosion brought by the speed of light qa made him complete many times of fighting and killing, which surprised several people and surprised their eyes.
Now that his opponent has admitted his Raven strength, he naturally feels awe from China. It is because there are too few opponents in the process of winning the first place in the country these days that he can really be his opponent. This does not rule out the fact that the really top players in China are preparing for the s3 World Finals, but those professional players from other firstteam teams in China can’t help but be disappointed.
Even if we move raven? My other heroes can also maintain the top position! In Walter’s view, moving Raven in the face of his opponent is not only not a happy thing for him, but also makes him feel that China people are too timid to face him. Can Ravenwei definitely beat himself if he moves away?
It’s better to let a player in China, who is best at heroes beating himself, Raven, so that he can have a heart.
China player? Hey! Walter disdained to shake his head. The hb team in s2 period was also a flash in the pan. Look at the performance of the China team in s3 Finals. Walter thinks that after formally joining the team in the future, the really strong opponent in s4 should be Korean talents.
Walter sighed a little, and a familiar oriental face came to mind. jaker, did you really give up the competition?
Soon, the two sides confirmed that this time, the Rui Chen side’s singletrick enchantress is commonly known as one of the sisters. At present, it is a big fire, and it is a blind brother in the wild area. ad is an aircraftassisted, and it is a new hero hammer stone that has already caught fire in the country
On Walter’s side, the single fisherman fights the wild emperor with a single weapon, while the ad is Shivell, also known as the round mother’s assistant, and Anne, who just had a fire in the s3 group match, is an unconventional assistant.
A sister versus a little mermaid! Chinese Master Assassin vs Chinese Master Assassin? Xiao Fei’s palms are slightly sweaty because the first floor opposite is Ravenwater, the first in North America, and besides being a famous hero, Walter is also famous in North America.
Chapter 12 Auxiliary Killer (1)
Chapter 12 Auxiliary Killer (1)
When the two sides entered the game, they also saw everyone’s location through ID. Rui Chen was purple, except Rui Chen was Zhongdan, and Wang Yu chose a hammer stone to assist the other three, all of whom were national high scores and passersby were famous.
On the other hand, in the blue square, there is the No.1 Raven in North America, saying that the water list is the HB team’s single weapon, the passerby emperor ADC, the FMP team’s single player Cao Mo, and Anne’s single player Tianhua Array in the HB team, which can be described as a luxury ratio.
When the two sides were at the first level, they actively asked the group to guess each other’s position. The first five people of Purple Fang Shen sneaked into each other’s red zone from their own blue zone around Xiaolong River, but the blue side was holding dizziness to help Anne lead them into Dalonghe River from their own blue zone and push them into each other’s red zone. In the end, both sides failed.
After the two sides exchanged the red BUFF, their normal lines were the fiercest. The road Anne took out the door with Dolan, the hammer stone belt with Dolan and the blue shield. The combination of both sides seemed to have made up the main consumption line, so you came to me to seek the second chance.
Lu Shen, on the other hand, is more fierce, learning Q. Every time he replenishes troops before weapons, he will take advantage of the range advantage and consume a certain amount of blood. Compared with weapons, he is passive and has always played the role of beating back.

She was still shaking when she found her mobile phone in her bag. I don’t know who was in such a hurry to find her.

Several missed calls came from Xiao Rong.
Xiao Rong’s number has never been given to her, but it was ready when she received this mobile phone. At the same time, there was a message from him to reply when she saw the message.
This sentence is cold and hard, as if you can imagine Xiao Rong’s cynical face getting cold.
People like them are too lazy to make ten short messages unless there are special circumstances. It is no wonder that Xiao Shao has sent short messages in just seven words. I wonder what his expression was at that time.
Su Wen thought for a moment, threw his mobile phone aside and went back to bed.
However, in a daze turned over and sat up again.
After forcing her to have an abortion from the hospital, she stayed at a respectful distance from Xiao Rong. In fact, she has always been afraid of him. Others say that Xiao’s face is often smiling and easier to get along with than Lu’s, but she is always worried about him.
I don’t want him to have any connection. However, she knows that Xiao Rong’s human nature has always been a matter of not going to the Three Treasures. Once he took the initiative to call her when Lu Zheng was hospitalized in a car accident, will there be anything urgent this time?
She immediately called back when Xiao Rong picked up Su Wen over there and didn’t come to talk. She heard him say, I have something to talk to you when I come out of your house.
Not asking if she can come out, but commanding tone.
Su Wen immediately ran to the front building of the window sill with his mobile phone. There was nothing unusual and he didn’t see a luxury car.
From his tone, she smelled a hint of calm before the storm. She thought for a moment and said good
Hanging up, Su Wen didn’t come to pick up, so he put on a down coat outside his pajamas. When he went out, he happened to meet the finishing door to cook, so Su Wen casually (harmoniously) confessed a sentence, I’ll be back for a while. After that, he didn’t look at the man’s look and took the key in a hurry to leave.
The housekeeper picked up the words after the door was closed.
Xiao Rong was very cautious, and when he got out of the ladder, he received his words, This place is not convenient to talk. If you leave the community and walk 200 meters east, there will be a car waiting for you.
Su Wen also felt that it was inconvenient for the floor to talk, so he didn’t ask any more questions. As he told him, he walked all the way east along the camphor tree sidewalk. Sure enough, after a while, he saw a car parked in front of him.
The car door was unlocked. Su Wen pulled open the door and sat in. The driver started the car silently without looking back at her.
I haven’t seen Xiao Rongsu for a few days. I think he feels more and more unpredictable.
This person is so strange, not at all like her former acquaintance Liu Zheng’s buddy Xiao Rong. His personality of anger and anger makes her feel faint and afraid, so she clenched her fingers unconsciously.
The car didn’t stop until it came to a quiet park. The driver came to help her open the door and said, The boss is waiting for you in the forest.
It’s a small forest in the park. In the evening, the dim light shines in the dense shadows of the trees, which makes people feel flustered.
Su Wen walked carefully while looking around on the dead branches in winter.
Are you out of the hospital? When you are familiar with the stereo, it sounds like this gloomy sky to your ears.
She turned back and saw Xiao Rong’s figure when the street lamp could illuminate a small aperture.
You really don’t listen. His tone seemed full of regret.
Element ask feel funny low refuted a sentence why should I listen to you? Is it possible to keep my child in that expensive ward? It’s ridiculous!
This is in exchange for his ridicule. When did you become so naive? I said out of the ward who also can’t protect your belly
Su Wen pursed his lips as if he didn’t lose. Thank you for your kindness, but I believe Lu Zheng will protect me and my children.
Xiao Rong looked at her with a sneer as if he heard a joke. Do you still believe 桑拿网 that he can protect you … and your child? Lu Zheng is now a clay idol crossing the river!
Element asked a fiercely to meet his eyes and silently speculated about the authenticity of his words. What do you mean? Lu Zheng … What happened to him?
Worry about yourself. Xiao Rong walked up to her and stared at her coldly. Master Lujia already knows about your pregnancy. If I am not bad, he should be looking for you in person now.
When I heard this sentence, my heart suddenly warmed up. Did he just make a phone call to find her in such a hurry to spend her money to avoid Liu Zheng’s confrontation with Master Lu from time to time?
Is Xiao Rong so mysterious that he can’t be trusted? Is it an enemy or a friend?
What are you telling me?
I told you that this child must be born. His hand suddenly grabbed her and forced her to look up. Remember when we made a deal? You don’t care about me. I want you to do what you want anyway, don’t you? Besides, no one can guarantee that you can grow this deal in your stomach now, which is of interest to you. You are a wise person and know how to choose.
It’s like this again, without telling her anything, but letting her be a puppet at her mercy. Although it’s not bad for her, why can these rich people regard themselves as emperors and give orders as if they can dominate other people’s lives?
She hates this feeling.
She’s Nie Su. She’s a rebel. She’s covered in lamella. She’s uneven.
Through Xiao Rong carrying her hand, she Mo deceives her body and approaches her hands to climb his shoulder, which brings the distance between them closer to an ambiguous scale.
Obviously, I feel that Xiao Rong’s breathing is stagnant, although he doesn’t show his face, but Su Wen is sure that he has disturbed his condition because he doesn’t play cards according to the rules.
Eyes slightly raised lips gently pulled out a contemptuous smile and buckled her jaw. Her hand was not so strong. She easily pushed aside the bar and put it on his shoulder, almost against his auricle. She gently said, Xiao Shao is so dedicated to protecting me and my child. I will be moved … Look at me!
Putting aside his shoulder hand, I felt that his shoulder muscles were stiff and I immediately regained my active index finger. It was a gentle hook with her, and I laughed before. Look at you? ….. If Liu Zheng can’t satisfy you, I don’t mind a dew marriage.
Su Wen choked on her chest. She almost forgot that this man is a master of flowers. It’s like teaching fish to swim with him.
There was a distant sound of cars crushing dead branches, and there seemed to be a looming light outside the Woods. I was about to withdraw my hand and pull out through Xiao Rong’s shoulder when I suddenly saw a black shadow slowly coming out of the darkness.
The dim light of the street lamp illuminates his handsome face, and his mouth is filled with a cold smile and the cruelty in the dark pupil is also a little clear in the light.
The last person who should appear in this place at this time
Lu Zheng …
Su Wen’s heart almost stopped beating. At that moment, my mind was blank and all my thoughts seemed to turn again.
Repeat that sentence again and again
Why are you here?
Ninety bad names.
Updated: 213111 :4:51 Chapter Words: 9547
The chapter name is ninety, which is not good.
Over Xiao Rong’s shoulder, the footsteps in the silent forest are particularly clear. The creaking sound of falling leaves is like stepping on the heart and waking her heart with fear and anxiety.
Why is Lu Zheng here?
He went back to the company!

There are eleven fifth metempsychosis realms. Nu Wa’s lips passed with a wry smile, but quickly disappeared. That’s also very good. It can go deep into the eleventh floor of Tongtian ruins. I never thought about it with Pangu before. Maybe the eleven layers of source crystals outside can let us break through the countercurrent realm.

The myth of Nuwa seems to be not hopeless, but everyone knows that it is wishful thinking if we can’t get into the twelfth floor of the Tongtian ruins and break through the roots of the countercurrent.
Jiao Yi knows better that Nu Wa is afraid of his embarrassment before saying that.
So it seems that the great god Nu Wa is not unreasonable. Why is it always with the bodhi old zu Pangu?
It’s Nu Wa, the great god, who really embarrassed Jiao Yi by saying so.
Jiao Yi said that he could get two more fifth metempsychosis, but he wanted to let everyone know that Xuanyanling Changdan was extremely precious. It is only natural that he should give more points when he got the blood distribution source crystal this time.
But I didn’t expect Pangu Tianzun and Nuwa Great God to give up so easily.
Why don’t you stick to it? I didn’t say anything just now.
How to adjust 约茶资源 now?
I can’t say that I was just joking with you just now, and it’s no problem to get three more fifth reincarnation.
Do you want Bilian?
But Jiao Yi soon had an idea.
There is no need to lose heart. Twelve fifth metempsychosis superpowers are not impossible. Jiao Yi looked indecisive.
In a word, someone in the place recovered instantly.
There is still a way to be small. Pangu Tianzun was excited
Now I dare not say all the words.
See Pangu Buddha again nasty JiaoYi hurriedly way Pangu bodhi old zu I first want to determine one thing to resist tongtian ruins attack energy is to strength to reach the fifth cycle condition can even be the fifth cycle condition early
If the fifth cycle is absolutely enough, said Nu Wa, a great god.
After getting a positive reply from the great god Nuwa, everyone’s eyes gathered again to Jiao Yi’s face.
Jiao Yi didn’t respond immediately. His face looked like a meditation and he struggled and hesitated.
No one urged Jiao Yi. Everyone held their breath and waited for Jiao Yi to open their mouth. Now everyone knows whether we can go to the core layer of Tongtian ruins and then Jiao Yi is on the body.
For a long time after JiaoYi gently shook his head.
Everyone’s heart tightened again.
I can’t decide without authorization. Jiao Yi’s eyes moved from Pangu Tianzun’s face to Qiu Jiaoran. This idea has to be taken by Gu Zu and Jiao Ran.
Pangu Buddha Meng forced Qiu Jiao Ran’s beautiful eyes to be blank.
Yes, I have Xuanyan Lingchang Dan left here, and I can also make three fourthclass bosses break through the fifth cycle.
After saying this, Jiao Yi suddenly noticed that everyone’s eyes on him changed, especially Pangu Tianzun’s eyes seemed to have the impulse to pick up Jiao Yi and beat him up every second.
Jiao Yi was secretly frightened, but the surface was calm as usual. There are three mysterious spirits. Dan Di was originally planning to honor the ancestors of Pangu after meeting them.
After saying his word, the rage in Pangu Tianzun’s eyes has disappeared.
Jiao Yi has been in the celestial world for two years, but he hasn’t even seen his shadow. However, he has refined out the spiritual world, and the practitioners dream of Xuanyan Lingchang Dan, but they haven’t forgotten that he left him three pieces.
Pangu Buddha is unkind again, and how can he brush Jiao Yi’s kindness?
In order to conceal his emotions, Pangu Tianzun pretended to be angry and said, Zun has already broken through the fifth cycle and is already the peak of the fifth cycle. What is the Xuanyan Lingchang Dan?
The great god Nu Wa also said, If we can go deep into the core layer of Tongtian relics and get a large number of source crystals, it will be much better than three Xuanyan Ling Chang Dan.
Jiao Yi nodded and turned to Qiu Jiaoran. Jiao Ran, I’ll leave you Xuanyanling Intestinal Dan enough for you to break through to the late peak of the fifth cycle, but if you want to fill up twelve fifth cycle realms, you can enter the tongtian ruins. Xuanyanling Intestinal Dan should be evenly distributed. Do you answer or not?
Qiu Jiaoran, of course, has no opinion to have practical force. She has long been satisfied with the fifth reincarnation situation, and she dare not even think about it before Jiao Yi.
Besides, as the great god Nu Wa said, what is it to be able to enter the core layer of Tongtian relics and get a lot of source crystals at the fifth peak?
The next discussion is which three new fifth reincarnation realms are added.
There is nothing to discuss whether Xuanyan Lingchang Dan is Jiao Yi, and it is up to Jiao Yi to decide which three spiritual practitioners will break through.
Jiao Yi’s candidates are Du Shante, Lao Fengyuan and Xiang Wentian.
Du Shante and Lao Fengyuan tried their best to help Jiao Yi make a ruling on the imprisonment method. It is good for Jiao Yi to take care of them. Besides, before they wanted Jiao Yi’s shelter, Jiao Yi planned to turn their strength into a fifth reincarnation.
I got a big bargain in Xiang Wentian for no reason.
When deciding on the third candidate, Jiao Yi considered leaving the fire island, Nie Yan, Qiu Xinglan, a couple of Beishan Temple in Jishui Prefecture, and even considered Danqing Pavilion to come alone, but they were all rejected by him in the end.
On the one hand, whether it is Danqing Pavilion or Jishui Prefecture, it is less than two months away from Nuwa Palace. On the one hand, when it comes to need, more Jiao Yi doesn’t have the patience to wait that long.
Secondly, no matter Nie Yan or Qiu Xinglan, the strength of the couple is still far from enough. If they break through the fifth cycle, they will go to more Xuanyan Lingchang Dan.
Jiao Yi is not reluctant to give up, but he must let people feel that he has gone into the Tongtian ruins and he has cut out all his money.
Xuan Yanling Intestinal Dan has solved the problem now. So many people are waiting to break through the fifth cycle. Where are so many and too small to return to the source Dan? Jiao Yi’s eyes swept from Sixian’s face
So precious Xuan Yan ling Chang Dan, he took it out. Nuwa Palace can’t be penniless, can it

An understatement made Lei Jun choke for a long time, and he silently bowed his head with a face of pain and embarrassment.

This wall is really painful! Let him have an impulse to take his own jobs.
With this job, Yan is not the director, and even the chairman is not good!
How many people are left in the visiting room?
This man’s extreme and stubborn words are full of anger that he wants to kill her. It is not so easy to get something out of him.
Sir, although I don’t know who you are and what you and Lu Jia are, I think it is necessary for me to let you know the truth.
The truth? Oh, isn’t the truth clear enough? What lies are you trying to make up to fool me? An Muxi, I tell you that although I have been arrested, there are still many just people who want to settle accounts with you. Just wait and see. You won’t be happy for long. You should be careful when you go out later. Maybe you will be killed by a car.
The truth in your eyes is not just what the outside world said, and you have given me such a heavy responsibility with one word. Is this what you call justice?
The man grunted coldly, The eyes of the masses are sharp, and there is no smoke without fire. If you really didn’t do those wicked things, how could others have so many opportunities to expose you?
What can’t be faked in today’s developed network technology?
So you want to tell me that Lu Jia’s death is also false?
Ambush stared at him intensely.
At present, it seems that this man is much more complicated than she expected.
If he is an irrational person who wants revenge on Lu Jia, it is impossible to sit here and confront her now. If he is a calm person, why would he choose a pair of her hands in public near Li’s regiment?
What’s more, he accidentally injured someone, but he doesn’t seem to feel guilty at all!
Do you know that you injured someone by mistake? An mu Xi deliberately asked
I know! What about going there? She’s incredibly desperate for you, which means she’s a lot to you. Who can be a good person with you? I’d like to ask you if that man is dead?
An Mu Xi frowned and her delicate face gradually showed anger. Thanks to you, she is not dead!
Oh, what a pity!
Ambush stared at him intensely, and the more he felt that this man was abnormal!
Suddenly she was angry and grabbed the man by the collar and stared at him coldly. Tell me who ordered you to kill me? Is it Ye Feiran? Where is she? Tell me where she is! ?”
To think that this may really be a ghost behind Ye Feiran, I can’t help but get out of control, because every time I think about Lu Jia’s death, her heart can’t help but feel pain and anger!
Ye Feiran? Where the hell is she!
The man was a little stunned. I didn’t expect it to be calm for a moment. Boanmushi would suddenly become an angry bird. He came to his senses and pulled her hand with his handcuffed hands. He mocked and sneered, Oh, finally angry?
When the police guarding the door heard the movement, they immediately pushed the door and pushed in, separating Anmu Xi from the man.
But Anmu wanted to ask Ye Fei what happened, so she suddenly pulled out a pistol from the policeman’s waist and pointed it at the man’s head by mistake. Do you want to say it?
Damn it!
The director’s office folded when imperial finally stay not to live, almost like a gust of wind rushed out of the office.
Lei Jun took him out of the mess in the wind. He looked at the woman with a gun in his brain screen and slammed his head. It’s broken!
Don’t come over! Ambush pointed a gun at the policeman. Don’t come here or I won’t promise not to brush my gun off!
The police raised their hands, but there was no confusion. Miss An, I can understand your mood now, but you must calm down. Your hands are really not to be used as a joke.
At this time, several policemen rushed in.
I don’t know if an Muxi watched too many movies about former policemen and robbers, but she was able to handle this situation with ease. Before the police rushed in, she had turned behind the criminal, pressed the gun against the criminal’s head and pulled the insurance conveniently.
In order to guard against those policemen, they also took out pistols and went to Anmu Xi in succession.
salsa class calm calm let’s put the gun first, ok? What do you want from this criminal? Let’s help you ask that thing is really dangerous. It doesn’t matter if you kill him. If you accidentally hurt yourself, it won’t be worth the loss! The policeman who was robbed tried to calm Ambush’s mood and then signaled his colleagues to put the gun away.
Other people don’t know this woman, doesn’t he? Who the fuck dares to touch a woman when she is rude?
Anmu wanted to pretend to be calm and look at the policeman in front of her. She clung to her hand and the gunman’s heart was sweating and his back was cold.
She’s not afraid?
No, she’s scared! She really didn’t have the courage to shoot. She just wanted to scare the man and try to force him to tell the truth.
However, no matter how calm she looks, the gun in her hand is still slightly trembling. The criminal seems to have felt this. He suddenly got up from the stool and handcuffed Anmu’s neck with a backhand. The speed is amazing and he took the gun from her hand. The whole movement is in one go, which makes people react!
In an instant, the situation reversed, and the police immediately raised their pistols again and pointed them at the criminals. Put the guns away!
Oh, shoot if you dare! The criminal smiled bloody and held the gun to Anmuxi’s throat. Anyway, I won’t lose if I can pull my enemy to die together!
Chapter 147 I’m sorry it’s too late
The situation reversed too quickly, and the police didn’t react immediately. They looked at each other and 养生会所 didn’t dare to relax their vigilance. It was at this critical moment that a white figure rushed in and immediately made people astonish and quickly took away the gun in the hand of a policeman around them. All of a sudden, bang a shot sounded like a bomb falling from the sky, and everyone’s ears exploded!
The criminal is also afraid of the gun in his hand. If his arm keeps bleeding, he can reach out and cover his hand and be handcuffed together. He falls to the ground in pain and cries.
Looking at the rolling crime scene, the small police are petrified.
Come on! Too soon!
They didn’t even see how the man came in, let alone how he shot. How did the criminal fall to the ground in an instant?
Fast! Sharpshooter!
It’s amazing!
The little policemen forgot to deal with the criminals because of their admiration!
Li Shi Yu Jun Yan Yin Yi is terrible. The whole person smells like hell, cold and terrible. He grabbed the stiff Anmu Xi in one hand, and then shot the criminal three times in a row. His arms and knees failed in the end, and the blood flowed everywhere. The criminal screamed and cut the sky.
Dare to touch my woman to die! Cold and cold, with no temperature, but full of the smell of death. When Li Shiyu conveniently put the pistol on the side, he then picked up Anmu Xiteng, crossed the completely petrified police and went straight out of the visiting room.
Majestic and imposing!
I was scared to catch the thunder here, but I almost ran into it. Fortunately, my legs stopped.
He gasped and touched a cold sweat on his forehead, then bent down 90 degrees respectfully. Manager Li, I’m sorry for scaring you and your wife. This is a mistake of our police. I will definitely discipline them!
Ray is secretly grinding his teeth. Wang Ya knows how to give him the whole thing!
He couldn’t even imagine what would happen to their entire police station if something happened here!
Li Shi resisted the cold eyes and locked a cold sweat. Lei Jun said, I’ll settle accounts with you later!
The words stepped out of the corridor and the police made way behind them.
When Ambush was pale and shriveled, his arms trembled slightly, and his mind seemed to stay at the moment when the bomb flew towards her.
She’sshe’s dying
She couldn’t believe that she was still alive until the bullet went through her ear and hit the criminal’s arm!
Looking at the disappearing corner, Lei Jun withdrew his sight, and his face suddenly changed like a traffic light. He strode into the visiting room, glanced at the broken hands and feet, and the criminal muttered, Ya is really cruel! Then the opponent told him to see if he is dead or not, and call the doctor quickly to stop him from dying.
Two policemen immediately took orders to act.

That night, Ou Porcelain was lying in his hospital bed and couldn’t sleep, so he thought about what kind of man Ling Yicheng was.

At least she can’t see through him.
Most of the time, she thinks he is strange, but occasionally she thinks he will give her a strange familiarity.
Very strange
Luotianye pushed open the ward door when the porcelain is staring at the ceiling.
Do you want to have a snack, Xiaoci?
When it comes to eating European porcelain, it’s fire. Close your eyes and mutter, Don’t make me sleepy.
Luo Tianye looked at his hands with bitterness and twisted big bags and small bags, and then sighed, Well, then you have a good rest.
Ou porcelain rolled over and pretended to sleep.
Luo tianye stood beside her for a moment, and the phone rang again. He glanced at the number and had to leave in a hurry.
It was almost early in the morning when Shen Yuer called.
European porcelain felt out from the bottom of the pillow only to find that there were still a few missed words on the surface, all of which were Mussinan.
I asked about the small porcelain lawyer. Apart from Shen Dazhuang, the Ling consortium, there is another one who is slightly inferior to him, but she is a female lawyer.
Ouci is not sexist, but subconsciously thinks that men are more flexible and wise than women.
Yes, her name is Suman, and the legal profession is also famous. If you want to find her, I will give you a phone number.
The porcelain wanted to think to nod good.
Whoever it is needs to be able to help her divorce.
Early the next morning, Ouci went through the discharge formalities.
The cashier at the cashier’s office told her that there were more than 10,000 balances left in her account.
Ou porcelain was shocked. She hasn’t paid any money since she was hospitalized.
Turn around and call Luo Tianye.
Luo Tianye is sleeping with a kind of burnout.
After hearing the reason, he told Ou Porcelain that it was ok to buy him a suit after paying for hospitalization.
The porcelain hang up leng leng.
She understood by herself that Luo Tianye’s voiceover was that he had been taking care of her in the hospital for the past two days, including that he was a little nurse who said he would guard her all night.
What 品茶 happened with that glass of orange juice was that she had a taste problem.
I don’t know the porcelain in the mind still vaguely lost.
When I returned to Lijing Community from the hospital, I saw Mussinan sitting at my door just after I got out of the ladder.
☆, Chapter 23 Happiness Yanqi
Ou Porcelain kept struggling, and her wrist was pulled out. Mu Sina, are you crazy?
Mussina laughed bitterly, and her eyes and eyebrows froze three feet.
Crazy? Yes, I am crazy.
He said, taking off his suit jacket and hitting the floor, and slowly unbuttoning his shirt with his slender fingers.
Ou Porcelain watched with trepidation as he showed his strong chest muscles, and then saw him open his shirt and quickly untie the belt buckle with his hands.
At that moment, she lifted her foot and kicked it without thinking.
Mussina is an agile flicker and escaped without any effort.
Once again, he squinted at the European porcelain with scarlet eyes, which was dangerous and cruel. Dear wife, why are you kicking me? Not willing to tonight?
Ou porcelain’s hands are tied. It’s impossible to avoid the roots
At this time, she was wearing a loose longsleeved home beige round neck.
Mussina refers to the abdomen and slowly touches her collarbone along her collar …
There’s her little secret.
His dirty hands are not qualified to touch it.
So the porcelain struggled to tilt its head and took a bite from Mussina’s arm.
Mussinan couldn’t help but twist his eyebrows.
When he looked at her again, he looked furious.
Loud slap on the cheek of European porcelain
Men are very strong, and the mouth of European porcelain suddenly smells salty.
She raised her arm slightly after one leng and wiped her lip corner at random.
Mussina’s halfopen trousers at this time are a little baggy because of the belt buckle, and they are all filled with a wild feeling.
What is incongruous is that his fingers tremble slightly.
Small porcelain I …
He moved the Adam’s apple.
Ou porcelain looked at him indifferently, and then his teeth bit his wrist and tied his tie and pulled it hard